Joining International Community to observe the Anti-Corruption Day 2019

9th December 2019:Ā Today Bhutan joined the international community to commemorate the International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD). The day was observed at the Clock Tower Square in Thimphu on the theme ā€œCorruption: An impediment to the Sustainable Development Goalsā€. The day provided an opportunity for all to come together and be reminded on the need to prevent and combat corruption collectively.

Honā€™ble Lyonchhen graced the event by addressing the crowd of over 500 representatives from the Parliament, various Government Agencies, Zhung Dratshang, CSOs, Corporations, Business Entities, and general citizen. Honā€™ble Lyonchhen in the Key Note Address stated that we need to have courage and motivation to fight corruption.Ā 

The IACD this year focused on creating awareness to be United Against Corruption for a Clean Society, specifically collaborating with the business community to promote ethical business. The Resident Representative of the UNDP joined the Chairperson of the ACC to highlight the importance of the Day and Business Integrity Initiative of Bhutan (BIIB). The CEO of the Yarkay Group Private Limited signed Corporate Integrity Pledge on the day. Yarkay Group Private Limited is the first private entity who joined the 15 DHI portfolio and listed companies in committing to conduct businesses ethically andĀ adopt mechanisms to prevent corruption. This is as part of the BIIB initiated in Bhutan since 2017.

Ā In observing the IACD, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) solicits continued effort to collectively prevent and combat corruption to fulfil the national objective to build just, harmonious and sustainable society through enhanced decentralization.Ā 

IACD has been observed worldwide since the passage of the United Nations Convention against Corruption on 31st October 2003 to serve as a call for collective action against corruption and reinforce anti-corruption effort, individually and institutionally. Bhutan has been joining the international community to observe the day since 2004.Ā 

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