Training of Trainers on Ethics and Integrity Management

Towards promoting professional ethics and integrity in an institution, the Anti-Corruption Commission is conducting a four days Training of Trainers (ToT) on Ethics and Integrity Management in 2 batches at Phuntsholing. The first batch of ToT was successfully conducted from 12-15 June. Around 84 participants from 73 public agencies attended the training.

The ToT is aimed at reinforcing ethics and integrity infrastructures in the governance systems through prompting discussions on ethical dilemmas, challenges and providing practical measures to enhance the ethical culture in the agencies. This ToT will also complement RCSCโ€™s redefined scope of โ€˜Integrity Advocateโ€™ role of HROs. The second batch of ToT will be conducted from 19-22 June at Phuntsholing.

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