Session on -Fraud Investigation to the Internal Auditors

On the invitation of the Chief Internal Auditor, Central Coordinating Agency for Internal Audit Service (CCA), two Chief Integrity Promotion Officers of Department of Investigation delivered a session on the topic, Fraud Investigation to the Internal Auditors attending the Internal Audit Conference at Gelephu on 27 November 2017.
Among others, the session focused on why fraud is a major concern and highlighted the importance of investigating fraud. The participants were made aware of the elements of fraud through the use of fraud diamond. Further, the participants wereΒ made aware of various interventions to address each elements of fraud to reduce fraud occurrences. A general idea on how to investigate fraud was shared along with some key investigation challenges. Cases related to different fraud schemes were presented, which highlighted the modus operandi of each scheme. The cases also emphasized the importance of exemplary leadership, effective staff supervision and management, stringent internal controls, proper whistle blowing avenues and timely audit in preventing fraud. The one & half hour session, which includes Q & A session ended reminding the participants that Internal Auditors play a vital role in fraud prevention in their respective organization.

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