Companies pledge to promote clean businesses in the country: Business Integrity Initiative of Bhutan (BIIB)

About 86 participants comprising of CEOs, Directors and Senior Managers from twenty two companies attended the sensitization session on BIIB held on 30 November 2017 at Namgay Heritage Hotel, Thimphu. The two hour session was graced by the Hon. Chairperson, ACC and attended by the Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP.

The session was aimed to sensitize the CEOs and Senior Mangers about the initiative as well as identify companies for the pilot.  To this, a total of 15 Companies volunteered to pledge in conducting their businesses ethically. The companies while acknowledging the importance of such initiative also raised concerns about the uniform application of the same across their competitors, in order to prevent the ones who adopts such program from being deprived of business deals. The need was felt for the Task Force to come up with some strategies to address the concern.

BIIB is towards enhancing sustained ethical business practices. The initiative is in line with the World Economic Forum principles that prohibit bribes, improper political contributions, improper charitable contributions & sponsorships, improper facilitations payments, and gifts & hospitality expenses. A Task Force has been formed comprising members from MoEA, MoF, MoLHR, RMA, DHI and BCCI. For the time being, ACC acts as the secretariat to the Task Force.

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