The Anti-Corruption Commission is pleased to announce the public auction of various seized items through sealed tender. Therefore, interested tenderers are invited to participate through sealed tender along with the earnest money of Nu 2000.00 (Ngultrum Two Thousand) only in cash. The bid must be addressed to the Director, DoPS, Thimphu.
The tender form can be collected from the Seized Property Management Division, ACC Office, Thimphu and JPLP Complex (ACC temporary office), Phuntsholing by paying Nu. 50 (Ngultrum Fifty) only (nonrefundable) from November 9th to 9th December 2021 during office hours. The tender documents must be submitted to the SPMD official at ACC Office, Thimphu on or before 7th December, 2021 at 5.00 P.M. and to the Member Secretary, JPLP Complex, Phuntsholing on or before 9th December, 2021 at 5.00 P.M. The tender shall be opened on 10th December, 2021 at 10:00AM at JPLP Complex, Phuntsholing in the presence of tenderers/representative followed by awarding of winning lots. The interested tenderers must inspect the lots physically in the JPLP Complex, Phuntsholing prior to the auction.
Click HereĀ to find the list of the seized items with terms and conditions. For detailed information please contact Mr. Ramesh Kumar Katwal, Member Secretary during working hours at 17834388 or 0233044 (O).