Three teams led by the Hon’ble Chief Justice from Judiciary, Chairperson from Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and Auditor General from Royal Audit Authority (RAA) interacted with 2263 University Graduates during the National Graduates Orientation Program (NGOP) on 18th August 2017 at the Royal Institute of Management in Thimphu.
In the one hour session, themed “Enhancing Good Governance: Checks and Balances”, the youths were briefly oriented on the fundamental elements of good governance, mandates and strategies of Judiciary, RAA and ACC.
Highlighting the challenges and opportunities in combating corruption in the country, ACC Chairperson stated that fighting corruption is a collective responsibility and reiterated on Corruption being an anti-thesis to Good Governance. Chairperson also stressed on how upholding values such as honesty and integrity will help fulfill our common responsibility of fighting corruption and urged the youths to say NO to corruption.
The Chairperson was accompanied by Commissioner Jamtsho and an officer from Department of Prevention and Education.
The overall theme of this year’s NGOP 2017 is “Leadership of the Self through Integrity”.