āThis tool is an eye opener for us which do not require administration by the ACC and can be done in-houseā said the Director General of the National Statistics Bureau (NSB), acknowledging the importance of the Integrity Diagnostic Test (IDT) in diagnosing the integrity health of an organization.
A team of two led by Commissioner Karma Damcho Nidup from the ACC, shared the results of IDT conducted for NSB on 28 March, 2016. The request was made in keeping with the indicator of their Annual Performance Agreement for the financial year 2015-2016 signed with the Honāble Prime Minister.
The findings of the IDT which was determined through a set of questionnaire circulated to the NSB officials prior to the session generated a score creating an organizational integrity profile for NSB that can be compared with other public organizations. The score can be used as a baseline for future improvements of their organizational integrity. The NSB is expected to develop the integrity action plan to bring about systemic interventions. The ACC will monitor the progress bi-annually.
IDT is an organizational self-assessment tool that can be used by both public and private sector. It aims towards providing organization with a blueprint for diagnosing their integrity issues and corruption risks and assists the management in identifying areas for improvement. The conduct of IDT has been included as one of the Key Performance Indicators in the Annual Performance Agreement for financial year 2015-2016 of the public agencies towards implementation of National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy (NIACS) 2014-2018. Towards this, the ACC plans to facilitate administration of IDT for the local government from April-May this year.