Strengthening the Role of Gewog Administrative Officers for effective implementation of 12th Five Year Plan

Upon the invitation from the Department of Local Government, a team led by the Chief Integrity Promotion Officer from Education Division, ACC interacted with 43 Gewog Administrative Officers (GAO) of seven western Dzongkhags (Chhukha, Gasa, Haa, Paro, Punakha, Thimphu and Wangdiphodrang) during the Biennial GAO’s Symposium at Wangdiphodrang on 23rd January, 2018.

During the session, ACC presented on the corruption scenario at gewog level along with emerging risks, opportunities and some of the findings from the National Integrity Assessment 2016. The participants were also reminded on their important role that they have in mainstreaming anti-corruption measures in administration and management at the Gewog level.
With this, ACC has interacted with the GAOs from all 205 Gewogs and through such engagement it is expected to contribute towards achieving the 12th National Key Result Area “corruption reduced” in 12th Five Year Plan.

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