Strengthening partnership and collective responsibility in driving anti-corruption measures

The Prevention Division, Department of Prevention and Education led by the Chairperson and the two Commissioners conducted one and half hour virtual sessions with about 68 Heads of Agencies from the Ministries, Dzongkhags, Thromdes, Autonomous bodies, Corporations, Media, and Civil Society Organizations. The session was conducted in five batches from March 29 to 31, 2021.

The session aimed towards โ€œenhancing partnership and collective responsibility in mainstreaming integrity and anti-corruption measures in the internal governance systemโ€, the ACC shared the implementation status on NIACS 2019-2023 and assessment findings of the Organization Integrity Plan (OIP). Besides this, the ACC also sought feedbacks and suggestions on enhancing mainstreaming of anti-corruption measures in public and private sectors.ย The session is a follow up to the virtual training coordinated for the integrity focal persons. During the sessions, the Head of Agencies rededicated their commitment and support in collectively acting against the corruption.

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