Session with the participants of SEDP -2 at RIGSS

ACC Chairperson delivered a session on Ethics, Integrity and Professionalism to the participants of DHI-Senior Executive Development Program (SEDP-2) at RIGSS on 31st October 2017. The session focused on the importance of ethics, integrity and professionalism in Public Service. It was explained that lack of professional values like ethics & integrity is one of the main causes of corruption in the country. The participants were also made aware of basic understanding of anti-corruption strategies followed by Q & A session. The one & half hour session ended with a key message that “it is not enough that the leaders abide by professional values like ethics & integrity and lead by example but also be able to lead their team as well.”
A total of 24 senior executives from 14 DHI owned and controlled (10 DHI-owned & 4 controlled companies)Companies are attending the program, which is organized by RIGSS, Phuntsholing. The program commenced on 29th October will end on 3rdNovember 2017.

Director, Department of Prevention and Education and an official from Prevention Division accompanied the chairperson.

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