Selection Result for of Integrity Promotion Assistant

As per the selection interview conducted on June 12, 2018 for the post of Integrity Promotion Assistant, General Services, Department of Investigation, the Anti-Corruption Commission is pleased to announce the selection results, as follows:

SN.NameEID No.TotalRemarks
1Sonam Dorji2014100482775.21Selected
2Karma Phuntsho2012070491173.54Selected
3Ugyen Lhendup20030714369.59Selected
4Rinchen Lhamo2010070489169.29Selected
5Kelzang Delkar2010070206066.80Selected
6Tshering Yangzom200707363.94Standby

In the event the selected candidate withdraws his/her candidature, the post will be offered to the standby candidate in order of merit of the selection result subject to fulfillment of the criteria.
Any complaints related to the selection may be lodged to the Commission within 10 working days from the date of declaration of results.
Lastly, ACC would like to express our appreciation and thank all the candidates who participated in the selection interview.
Offtg. Chief, Secretariat Services

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