National Integrity Assessment 2019

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in collaboration with National Statistics Bureau (NSB) started field data collection for National Integrity Assessment 2019 (NIA 2019) on 7th November 2019. National Integrity Assessment is conducted every third year. NIA is an assessment of Public Service delivery in terms of transparency, accountability and corruption as experienced by service users in the previous financial year. It also assesses the public agencies in terms of integrity culture, work integrity and ethical leadership as experienced by the employees/service providers. The scores of NIA 2019 are planned to be used as indicators for 12th NKRA and AKRAs in the 12FYP.

For NIA 2019, nine researchers and supervisors from the ACC, NSB and other agencies with 51 enumerators will visit agencies to interview respondents that are sampled from the list of clients received from the agencies. The enumerators were trained for eight days on the survey questionnaires and research ethics. A total of 154 agencies and their services will be surveyed from 7th November to 31st December 2019.

The ACC request all the public agencies and citizens who are contacted by the enumerators to kindly extend all possible support.

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