On 3 May 2022, the Anti-Corruption Commission launched the enhanced Asset Declaration System (ADS) with the aim to ease burden on users; improve efficiency in AD administration and management; and facilitate automated and effective verification.
The new system generates high quality of data by making it more user-friendly & reducing unintentional human errors. The system design is also flexible and adjustable to accommodate any new add-on functionalities with change in the Rules/Laws or improvements required without much disruption to the existing system. It will be used for the asset declaration for the income year 2021 onwards.
The ACC reminds all covered persons to file your Annual Asset Declaration for the Income Year 2021 within the declaration period, i.e., from 3 May to 30 June 2022. AD filed within July will be considered late declaration while from 1 August, the filings will fall under non-declaration category.
To confirm whether you are a covered person, please refer Annexures I & II of the AD Rules 2017 available at here OR contact your agency administrator.