In-house Workshop on Open Data Kit (ODK)

The ACC organized a four-day workshop on Open Data Kit (ODK) from 10th to 13th July 2017. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Sonam Tshering of Bhutan Interdisciplinary Research and Development (BIRD), a consultancy firm based in Thimphu. 17 officials from the Department of Prevention and Education and the Secretariat including an official from Government Procurement Management Division, Ministry of Finance took part in the hands on training.
ODK is an open-source suite of tools that helps organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. 

The workshop was organized to enhance the skills of the officials in undertaking surveys using mobile tablets instead of the traditional and cumbersome paper-based questionnaire.
The ACC started using mobile tablets for data collection since 2016 for its major research activities like the 3rd National Integrity Survey and Public Road Construction Research. The use of mobile tablets in data collection helps to ensure data quality and saves time that is traditionally involved in data punching. Further, it saves recurring cost of printing questionnaires and contribute to saving the environment.

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