Heartfelt felicitation to the 2nd Commission for their successful tenure

The Second Commission, particularly the two members of the Commission (Chairperson Kinley Yangzom and Commissioner Jamtsho), successfully completed their five year term in the Anti-Corruption Commission on 30 July 2020. They were appointed by His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo on 31 July 2015.

The Chairperson, Aum Kinley Yangzom, started her civil service career with the Ministry of Education and has over 21 years of experience being a HR professional. Prior to her appointment as the Chairperson of the ACC, she served as the Commissioner of Royal Civil Service Commission for five years. During her tenure in the ACC, Aum Kinley was appointed as the Advisor of the Second Interim Government by His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo, where she was the Advisor to the Ministry of Health and six other allied health agencies.

Commissioner Jamtsho joined civil service in the year 1993 as a Trainee Officer in the Royal Audit Authority (RAA). He served 22 years in the RAA in various capacities and was the Joint Auditor General before being appointed as the Commissioner of the ACC. He is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of the United Kingdom.

The ACC under their leadership has not only been able to achieve greater momentum in building strong systems of integrity but also managed to make major breakthrough in many aspects of promoting anti-corruption in the country. During their tenure, the Second Commission made greater effort in professionalizing internal operations and strengthening systems/processes to ensure that the ACC remains Astute, Credible and Conversant with changing times. Further, the Commission vehemently committed themselves to prevent and combat corruption thereby providing reinvigorated strength to address perennial issues confronting the ACC. The HR issues faced by the ACC were also substantially reduced with numerous initiatives to brand the ACC as an ā€˜Employer of Choiceā€™ and a ā€˜Learning Organizationā€™. The Commission has been an epitome of unity and inner Strength ā€“ Sincerity, Tenacity, Result-driven, Empathetic, Nurturing, Gentle, Teammate and Humble.

The ACC staff would like to heartily thank the Chairperson and Commissioner for their unwavering service to the ACC and congratulate them for successfully completing their term in the ACC. The ACC staff wishes them and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous life ahead. Lastly, the ACC staff rededicates its service and offer absolute commitment to realize the shared vision of happy, harmonious and corruption free society.

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