Experience Sharing on Asset Declaration and Management System with Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Mauritius.

Upon the request made by ICAC, Mauritius on collaboration with ACC, Bhutan on matters related to Asset Declaration and Management, the Asset Declaration Management Division (ADMD), ACC conducted an experience sharing session with the Declaration of Asset (DoA) Unit of ICAC, Mauritius on 14 January, 2021. 

The new Declaration of Asset Act 2018 was enacted by the National Assembly of the Mauritius on 12 December 2018 and came into force on 01 June 2019. A dedicated Unit (DoA Unit) was set up to implement the provisions of the Act.  

The three hour session conducted virtually consisted of presentations by ACC on the overview of Asset Declaration (AD) and Management system of ACC, the assessment and verification processes and the online AD system. The session was very interactive with lot of enriching discussions and experience sharing from both sides. 

A team of eight officials from the DoA Unit of ICAC, Mauritius led by the Officer In-Charge of the DoA Unit of ICAC, Mauritius and a team of five officials from ADMD and ICT unit led by the Director of Department of Prevention and Education, ACC participated in the experience sharing session. 

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