Corruption Risk Management Manual

Corruption Risk Management (CRM) is a self- assessment and management tool that facilitate identifying potential fraud and corruption risks in organization and preventing them proactively through strengthening its internal control systems. Corruption risk assessment provides better understanding of exposure to risks so that informed risk management decisions can be taken by organizations. CRM is one of the primary corruption prevention tools pursued by the Anti-Corruption Commission since 2010. The overall methodology of CRM was developed and adapted based on the international standards of risk management such as COSO Enterprise Risk Management Framework and ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles. This CRM manual provides a step-by-step guide for CRM facilitators for conducting CRM in respective organizations. The manual highlights the fundamental principles that can be used to identify, evaluate and mitigate corruption risks. The manual was developed in 2018 with the technical support of an independent consultant. In collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, CRM functions have now been integrated in the roles of the Internal Auditors. Leadership commitment is key to the success of an effective CRM. CRM should not be a standalone strategy or one-time exercise but must be integrated in the overall governance strategy.Β 

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