Validation of National Integrity and Anti-Corruption Strategy 2019-2023

The Anti-Corruption Commission in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organized the ‘High Level Validation Workshop’ at Le Meridien Hotel, Thimphu on 26 April 2019. The validation was done using the Foresight methodology.

About 50 high level officials from parliament, ministries, constitutional offices, autonomous agencies, corporations, schools, civil society organizations and private sectors attended the workshop. The validation workshop was a culmination of inputs from the 75 participants of the first two-day ‘Scenario Building Workshop’ conducted at Paro from 22-23 April 2019.

The scenarios framed considering the political, economic, societal, technological, environmental and legislative/value factors were presented to the senior executives for validation and then the stress-tested on the draft NIACS 2019-2023. This activity enabled the participants to analyze, deliberate and validate readiness, resilience and relevance of the draft NIACS. Besides, the exercise also enabled identification of future risks and opportunities and adoption of receptive strategies to prevent and combat corruption in the country.

In principle, the exercise confirmed the relevance of the NIACS for the period 2019-2023. However, the ACC will incorporate feedback and comments received from the stress-testing workshop to further enrich the draft NIACS which is expected to be launched in May 2019.

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