Training of Trainers on Ethics and Integrity Management: Enhancing Professional ethics in Public Administrations

Subsequent to 1st batch of ToT on Ethics and Integrity Management, the 2nd batch of ToT was successfully conducted from 19-22 June, 2017 at Phuntsholing, engaging around 100 participants from Civil, Corporation, CSOs and Private entities.

The training was conducted with the aim of promoting and reinforcing ethics and integrity infrastructures in the governance systems through discussions and deliberations on a wide range of ethics/integrity issues and sensitization on various ethics and integrity promotion tools at individual, organizational and national levels.

Overall, a total of 186 participants from different Public and Autonomous Agencies, Constitutional Offices, Media and Religious Organizations, CSOs, Armed Forces, DHI companies and listed shareholder companies attended the training in two batches.
This ToT will also complement RCSCā€™s redefined scope of ā€˜Integrity Advocateā€™ role of HROs.

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