Jamtsho from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) participated in the Third Intersessional Meeting of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) on preparations for the special session of the General Assembly against Corruption from 22 – 23 February 2021 virtually.
The two-day conference consisted of four panel discussions on the following themes:
- Sustained political commitment: UNGASS 2021 – an opportunity to reinforce commitments against corruption;
- After 15 years of UNCAC’s entry into force, what is our way forward?;
- Beneficial ownership transparency and the role of the private sector in supporting anti- corruption efforts, including better compliance with anti-money-laundering standards, collective action initiatives and supporting measures for self-regulation;
- Measures to address impunity, including strengthening the independence, transparency and integrity of the judiciary and enhancing the role of oversight bodies, such as state audit institutions; and
- Harnessing the full potential of education and technology in efforts to prevent and combat corruption.