Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between ACC and CAB

Towards upholding integrity and promoting a clean business environment in the construction industry, the Construction Association of Bhutan (CAB) and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 15 August 2024.

Under the aegis of this MoU, CAB and ACC will develop customized integrity and anti-corruption programs under the theme ‘DAMTSI – Developing Accountable, Moral, & Transparent Systems and Institutions.’ These initiatives aim to enhance the technical competence required to safeguard construction industries from corruption risks. Towards this, CAB will be engaged in workshops coordinated by the ACC, focusing on corporate governance standards, industry-specific integrity programs, and the sharing of best practices, among others. The CAB will also promote existing anti-corruption standards such as the Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Management, and Integrity Vetting, among others. Further, the MoU encourages joint efforts to review and enhance policies, regulations, and frameworks within the construction industry, addressing systemic weaknesses, and accordingly recommending appropriate remedial measures.

Recognizing the critical role that the construction industry will play in realizing the national aspiration to become a Developed Bhutan vis-a-vis rapidly emerging corruption risks with the advancement, this MoU serves as an essential step towards reinforcing strategic objectives of preventing and combating corruption across all industries.