Session with the UN Bhutan Staff

A team led by Hon’ble Commissioner Ngawang Pem conducted an hour long session on ethics to the staff of UN Bhutan on 15thΒ October, 2018.Β  A total of 55 International and National staff of UN Bhutan attended the session.

While UN staff are dedicated, they live and work in a multicultural environment that often comes with tremendous pressure. Further, a growing body of evidence show that human cognitive biases influence ethical decision-making. Evidence also show that there are tools that can help staff to make ethically right choices when faced with dilemmas. Among these, being reminded of ethics and values is one useful tool. Recognizing the importance of ethical conduct, UNICEF globally observes the month of October as Ethics Leadership Month (ELM). In Bhutan, UNICEF in collaboration with other UN agencies is observing 2018 ELM through dedicated learning events to help staff members reflect and dialogue on ethics.

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