Selection Results for the post of Integrity Promotion Assistant

As per the selection interview conducted on October 14, 2021 for the post of Integrity Promotion Assistant, Department of Investigation, the Anti-Corruption Commission is pleased to announce the selection result,as follows:

SN Name CID Remarks
1 Kali 10505001061 Selected
2 Dorji Dema 10706002057 Selected
3 Passang Thinley 10209000436 Selected
4 Tenzin Lhendup 10604001284 Standby
5 Tandin Pem 11508004353 Standby

In the event the selected candidate withdraws his/her candidature, the post will be offered to the standby candidate in order of merit of the selection result subject to fulfillment of the criteria.
Lastly, ACC would like to express our appreciation and thank all the candidates who participated in the selection interview.

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