Gewog Awareness and Advocacy Program: Building an informed citizenry

Two teams led by Director and Chief Integrity Promotion Officer from the Department of Prevention and Education, ACC successfully completed the Gewog Awareness and Advocacy Program in Mongar and Lhuentse Dzongkhags which commenced from 5-19 September 2017 with the objectives to build an informed citizenry and garner support in the fight against corruption.

In the second round, a total of 6,723 participants (4,479 in Monger and 2,244 in Lhuntse) attended the program. While in the Dzongkhags, the teams also interacted with the students and teachers of Radhi MSS in Trashigang, Yadhi Central School and Gyalposhing College in Mongar, Autsho and Tangmachu Central Schools in Lhuentse.
Through such programs, it is expected to develop the sense of intolerance and resistance to corruption and improve the quality of complaints by sharing some typical case studies.

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