Gewog Awareness and Advocacy Program: Building an informed and awakened citizenry

A team from Education Division under the Department of Prevention and Education, ACC successfully completed the second round of Gewog Awareness and Advocacy Program under Paro Dzongkhag on 25 August 2017. A total of 1755Β participants (including 155 students and staff of Wanakha CS) attended the program.
The advocacy program is being catered through various themes involving key stakeholders such as the local government, school/institutes and youth targeting towards building an informed and awakened citizenry by soliciting support in the fight against corruption

So far, ACC has completed advocacy in 89 Gewogs of eight Dzongkhags (Bumthang, Chhukha, Dagana, Paro, Punakha, Samtse, Sarpang and Tsirang). ACC plans to cater similar program in other remaining Dzongkhags.

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