Engaging Dzongdags towards promoting systems of integrity, transparency and accountability in the Local Governance

13 June 2018:Ā The Anti-Corruption Commission interacted with 13 Dzongdags during the 24thĀ Annual Dzongdagsā€™ Conference held in Thimphu.
A team led by the Honā€™ble Chairperson of theĀ ACC,Ā sensitized Dzongdags on the collective responsibility against corruption and the role in building a transparent and accountable local government system. In view of the number of complaints received by the ACC against Dzongkhag Administrations and the ongoing pace of decentralization, it is important that the Local Government leaders understand the context and accordingly promote and strive to achieve the national goal of reducing corruption.
The session is expected to enhance the awareness and ownership to drive the culture of integrity and anti-corruption at the grassroots. The ACC assured its support to the Dzongkhag Administration, wherever required, in implementing the anti-corruption measures.

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