Confluence of Celebrations

Saturday, 9th of December 2023 was indeed a most special day marking the:

  • Auspicious 17th anniversary of His Majesty The King’s accession to the Golden Throne
  • Naming ceremony of Our Princess, Her Royal Highness the Gyalsem Sonam Yangden Wangchuck
  • Global commemoration of the International Anti-Corruption Day with the themeΒ UNCAC at 20: Uniting the World Against Corruption.

The confluence of these important events on the same day serves as a promise of a bountiful future ensured by integrity, unity of purpose and the fruits benefiting all in societies, far and wide.

On this eventful day, the Anti-Corruption Commission also observed the ceremony for award of medals and certificates for 11 recipients of the Royal Civil Service Award 2023. The occasion was an opportunity to extend our deepest appreciation for the unwavering dedication and contributions of the following individuals in four different categories:

Lifetime Service Awardee 30 Years (Gold) Awardees 20 Years (Silver) Awardee: 10 Years (Bronze) Awardees
1. Puran Kumar Dural – Chief Integrity Promotion Officer 1. Deki Pema – Chairperson 1. Pema Chophel – Driver 1. Ngawang Tashi Dorji – Dy. Chief ICT Officer
2. Jamtsho – Commissioner 2. Dawa Tshering – Sr. Integrity Promotion Officer
3. Karma Sonam – Sr. Integrity Promotion Officer
4. Sonam Jamtsho – Integrity Promotion Asst. I
5. Karma Wangmo – Admin Asst.
6. Sonam Lhamo – ESP
7. Choten Wangmo – ESP

The ACC family also takes this opportunity to rededicate our loyalty and service to theΒ Tsa Wa Sum.