The compliance rate of AD for the year 2015 as of 30th April 2016 is as follows:
- No. of Schedule I public servants has increased by 27 from 436 to 464 (which includes covered persons who vacated office/assumed new office) in the year 2015.
- Of the total covered persons, 425 of them have filed their declaration within 1st Feb to 30th April, bringing the compliance rate to 91.79%. The compliance rate has increased by 4.29% as compared to 2014.
- Out of the 425 Schedule I who have filed their declaration:
- 385 (90.58% an increase of 11.58% over last year’s filing) have filed their declaration online. Thromde Tshogde Chairpersons, Secretaries to the Government, Holders and Members of Constitutional Offices, Dzongdags, Heads of Political parties and Ambassadors have declared 100% online. The remaining 40 (9.41%) declarants have declared via hard copies.
- 38 (8.20 %) Schedule I covered persons have failed to file their declaration for the year 2015
1. List of non-declarants:
Sl. No. | Designation | Name of Agency | Remarks |
1 | Director General | Royal Institute of Management | |
2 | President | Bhutan Association of Women Entrepreneur | |
3 | Executive Director | LHAK-SAM | |
4 | Executive Director | Society of Artisans for Sustainable Zorig Chusum | |
5 | President | Handicrafts Association of Bhutan | Repeated |
6 | Executive Director | Rural Education Foundation | Repeated |
7 | Executive Director | Bhutan Animal Rescue and Care | Repeated |
8 | Executive Director | Jangling Community Service Association | Repeated |
9 | Executive Director | VAST Bhutan | |
10 | Chairman | Gaedsho Lhayi Drangsong Tshogpa | Repeated |
11 | Executive Director | CINE Bhutan | |
12 | Chairman | Hotel & Restaurant Association of Bhutan | Repeated |
13 | Executive Secretary | Hotel & Restaurant Association of Bhutan | Repeated |
14 | Dungkhag Drangpon | Mongar, Weringla | |
15 | Drangpon | Paro | |
16 | Drangpon Rabjam | Paro | |
17 | Drangpon Rabjam | Mongar, Weringla | |
18 | Dungkhag Drangpon | Samdrup Jongkhar, Samdrup Choling | |
19 | DT Chairman | Dagana Dzongkhag | |
20 | DT Chairman | Gasa Dzongkhag | |
21 | Chairman | Bhutan Insurance Limited | |
22 | Chairman | Dungyel Rangdroel Drupchen lotey Theytshok | |
23 | Chairman | Hindu Dharma Samudaya of Bhutan | |
24 | Chairman | Jigmeling Gomdey | |
25 | Chairman | Pema Chholing Do-Nga Tenpiling Gomdey | |
26 | Chairman | Drodul Phendeyling Choetshok | Repeated |
27 | Chairman | San-Nga Jinpai Choetshok | Repeated |
28 | Chairman | Rigzin Pemaling Jeyden Tshogpa | |
29 | Chairman | Padma Choeling Choetshok | Repeated |
30 | Chairman | Sangchen Pema Gatshel Choetshok | Repeated |
31 | Chairman | Phuntsho Choeling choetshok | |
32 | Chairman | Milarapa Foundation | |
33 | Chairman | Ugyen Yoeseling Choetshok | |
34 | Chairman | Pangthang Samdrup Choeling Choetshok | Repeated |
35 | Chairman | Sa-Nga Tenpaling | Repeated |
36 | Chairman | Drodul Donga Cheoling Choetshok | |
37 | Chairman | Zhabjee Foundation | |
38 | Chairman | Semchen Tshe-Thar Tshogpa | Repeated |
15 of the 425 declarations have been returned and the individuals have been informed about the return of their declarations. Various reasons for return of the declarations include non-declaration of expenditure such as rental, insurance, loan repayment and utilities, typo error, declaration of one month income instead of annual income and non-declaration of income from sales of properties.
1. List of Returned Cases:
Sl. No. | Designation | Name of Agency |
1 | Drametse Ngatshang (Mongar)MP | Member of National Assembly |
2 | Tashichhoeling (Samtse)MP | Member of National Assembly |
3 | Khaling – Wamrong (T/gang) | Member of National Assembly |
4 | Nubi-Tangsibji (Trongsa) | Member of National Assembly |
5 | Nanong Shumar (Pemagyeltsel) | Member of National Assembly |
6 | Lhuentse NC | Member of National Council |
7 | Secretary | National Land Commission Secretariat |
8 | Director General | Bhutan Narcotics Control Agency |
9 | Interim President | University of Medical Science |
10 | Director | Bhutan Youth Development Fund |
11 | Executive Professional Director | Bhutan Centre for Media & Democracy |
12 | Drangpon | Haa |
13 | Chairman | Nyingma Foundation |
14 | Managing Director | Bhutan Board Products Ltd |
15 | Chief Executive Officer | National Housing Development Corp. Ltd. |
ACC has followed up through telephone and also reminded through the media (BBS and Kuensel dated 20/4/2016) for both the above lists.
ACC hereby reminds that as per the AD Rules 2012:
Rule 43: āIf a covered person fails to declare or provide complete information under these Rules within thirty days from the expiry of the due date without reasonable justifications, he or she shall be levied a fine equivalent to one dayās national daily minimum wage every day until such failure subsists.ā
Therefore, individuals whose declarations have been returned for corrections and non-declarants shall be liable as per Rule 43.
Further, as per Rule 46: āIf a covered person, without reasonable justifications, commits an offence under Rule (43) and Rule (45) more than once, in addition to fines, he or she shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.ā
ACC is yet to receive complete reports from the agencies for Schedule II public servants. The last date for submission of reports is 31st May, 2016.