Commemorating the 15th Foundation Day: 15 Years of the ACC working towards a Happy, Harmonious and Corruption-Free Society

Annually, December 31st is observed as the Anti-Corruption Commission’s Foundation Day as it was on this Day that His Majesty The Fourth Druk Gyalpo, by Royal Decree, appointed Dasho Neten Zangmo as the first Chairperson and established ACC as one of the key institutions to build strong foundations for the Bhutanese Democracy.

In the midst of the nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic, the members of the ACC family had the rather unique experience of celebrating the Day virtually. Being physically distant and dispersed did not deter the spirit of the ACC members to commemorate the special occasion as the Foundation Day this year marked the 15th Anniversary of the ACC.Β 
The day was an occasion to celebrate fifteen years of its journey and reinvigorate our inspiration and commitment to serve with even greater firmness, fearlessness, professionalism, accountability, and innovation as well as pro-activeness to cope with the challenges and opportunities posed by the unrelenting pace of change.

In the virtual celebration, the former Chairpersons of the ACC, Dasho Neten Zangmo of the First Commission and Aum Kinley Yangzom of the Second Commission, joined the Third Commission and the officials and staff of the ACC to share their perspectives on the journey and celebrate and honour, in a spirit of solidarity and shared pride, the resolute efforts towards building a happy, harmonious and corruption free society.

The main theme of the day was Reflection on the 113th National Day Royal Address. The six Departments and Divisions had worked separately to reflect in teams and presented, on the Foundation Day, their considered thoughts on the way forward, guided by Wisdom and the focus on areas of national concern as well as opportunities and Vision of the future of our Nation.

The journey of the ACC has been, above all, guided and inspired by the leadership of our Visionary Monarchs, supported by unwavering political will of the successive Governments, and cooperation of stakeholders.

The last fifteen years has been a journey marked with challenges and difficulties, joys and pains but it has always been a path of learning and growth. We expect the journey ahead to be no different, if not even more challenging as we navigate and respond to the dynamic socio-economic landscape. It is in this context, each and every member of the ACC take this auspicious opportunity to individually and collectively pledge to serve the Tsa-Wa-Sum with the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and commitment.Β 

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